
Doctor Who: Series 8, Episodes 1-3. REVIEW

As some of you may know, the new series of the popular television show "Doctor Who" premiered recently. Now with three full episodes to go on, we can sort of get a feeling for the new Doctor and how Peter Capaldi plays him.

Personally, I am a huge fan of what Peter Capaldi has done with the character, giving a little more serious angle as opposed to Matt Smith's more childish portrayal that came before him. With Capaldi's arrival the show's humor has taken a bit of a sassier turn, much like Christopher Eccleston's portrayal of the ninth Doctor. Capaldi plays the Time Lord's twelfth incarnation, and does a fantastic job in the role.

At the first episode ("Deep Breath"), I wasn't positive I liked Capaldi. By the second episode, the Doctor had gotten over his little post-regeneration mental breakdown, and he was AWESOME. I realize not everyone shares this opinion, but I think Peter Capaldi is doing an amazing job as the twelfth Doctor, and I look forward to seeing the rest of his stint as the character.  

                                                              -Tony Snark

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