
What Doctor Who Still Left Unanswered

The concluding episodes of the popular British sci-fi show Doctor Who's eighth season, although amazing, left many pressing questions unanswered. However, even with some loose ends that still need to be tied up, the two part finale was absolutely fantastic. A new female regeneration of the Doctor's longtime foe, the Master, was brilliant, along with the rest of the cast. But, back to the unanswered questions.

First off, Osgood. Osgood, Osgood, Osgood. She can't be dead, right? We don't know for a fact that Missy's weapon kills, as she was also seen using it as a transportation device earlier in the episode. If in fact Missy's device is a transportation device, then Osgood could return. 

Second of all, what about Missy? Is she just gone? I really enjoyed this version of the Master, and would hate it if the psychotic Mary Poppins never returned. However, using the same theory of her device being a transporter, Missy's return is possible.

But the most pressing unanswered question of all, why did the Doctor and Clara lie to each other? The Doctor about Gallifrey, and Clara about Danny. There was no real good reason, so why did they do it? I don't know if this one will ever be answered.

                                                                                                            -Tony Snark

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