
Marvel VS. DC: Scarlet Witch VS. Raven

Every good comic super-team needs a resident magical hero. In this post I'll pit two of the more popular ones against each other. One DC hero, one Marvel. This post's two fighters are The Avenger's hex-powered Scarlet Witch (Marvel), and the dark-magic wielding Raven, of the Teen Titans (DC).

Before we begin the actual face-off, let's start with some background for each character.

Wanda Maximoff is the daughter of Magneto, an extremely powerful mutant, and an ordinary human. Shortly after realizing she was pregnant, Wanda's mother ran away from Magneto, finding safety at Mount Wundagore, home of the High Evolutionary. While at the mountain, Wanda's mother gave birth to twins. Wanda, and her brother Pietro. Sadly however, Wanda's mother, fearing that Magneto would find her, ran away and perished shortly after. After her mother's death, Wanda and her brother were left in the care of the High Evolutionary, who experimented on the infant Wanda, giving her amplified magic powers, in addition to her mutant powers. After a little while, the High Evolutionary placed Wanda and Pietro in the care of a gypsy couple, the Maximoffs, who raised the children as their own. When living with the Maximoffs, Wanda accidentally started a fire with her mutant powers, and the twins were forced to flee from an angry mob, who thought them monsters. The twins are saved by the mutant terrorist Magneto, who is actually their father, but they don't know this. After stretches of time in Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and the X-Men, Wanda joins the super-team known as the Avengers, and stays there for many years.

Wanda's powers include reality altering "Hex Magic", that she uses to alter probability in her favor. Her hexes can be used to deflect projectiles, cause objects to burst into flame, levitate objects and more, and some mind control abilities.

Raven is the daughter of a human mother from the magical plane of Azarath, and an powerful demonic father. Raven was raised in the magical world from which her mother hailed, Azarath. While living there, she was taught to keep her emotions in check, due to the fact that if her emotions became too strong, her inherited demonic powers would reveal themselves. Around her sixteenth birthday, Raven learned of her father, the demon Trigon's plans to come to her home dimension, and she vowed to stop him. She initially went to the super-team known as the Justice League for help, but the turned her down. She then reformed the adolescent super-group known as the Teen Titans, who she would serve with for many years, even leading them at times.

Raven powers are channeled through her emotions, and manifest in the form of black energy, which she can use to lift objects, fire energy beams, open portals to other dimensions, and much more. These powers make her a powerful foe.

So, if these two were to face off in a battle, who would win? Well, let's find out.

Both are extremely powerful, but it's hard to decide who would make the first move. For our purposes, let's say Scarlet Witch shoots first, with a well aimed energy bolt, easily deflected by Raven. Scarlet Witch would then fire a rapid barrage of energy bolts, throwing Raven off guard, but angering her, making her more powerful. Raven would shoot back by lifting a nearby object with her powers, and throwing it at Wanda, who easily avoids the threat by causing the object to combust. Scarlet Witch at this point might try to use her powers to get into Raven's head, but the backlash from Raven's mental guards would be too strong, causing Scarlet Witch to become distracted, letting Raven get the edge. Although both combatants are extremely powerful, Raven has the advantage, allowing her to overpower Scarlet Witch.

Winner: Raven

                                                                      -Tony Snark

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