
The Lamest Comic Book Characters Of All Time (Volume 1)

There have been some pretty stupid characters in the world of comics, so I've decided to compile a list of the absolute worst. The ten characters listed below make up the first volume of this list. It should be noted that the characters below are not listed in any particular order.

                                                      #1: Maggot (Marvel)
A mutant who's ability is two giant slugs enter and leave his abdomen to eat for him as he is unable to consume any solid food. Not only dumb, but also incredibly gross.

#2: Calendar Man (DC)
One of those failed gimmick villains. His gimmick? Calendars. He themes all of his crimes off of seasons and dates.  But seriously, why calendars of all things?

#3: Swarm (Marvel)

It really doesn't get much stupider than a guy made out of a bunch of bees. A little creepy though.

#4: Impossible Man (Marvel)
This strange alien visitor seems to just annoy pretty much everyone in his path. He can shape-shift, but other than that he kind of stinks.

#5: Red Tornado 1 (DC)
Sorry, but running around in long underwear with a cooking pot on your head does NOT make you a superhero.

#6: Howard the Duck (Marvel)
Enough said.

#7: Killer Moth (DC)
A villainous Batman copycat... But with moths.

#8: Dazzler (Marvel)
Her superpower is being a human light show. That's it. BORING!!!

#9: Mister Mind (DC)
Oh, nothing to see here... Just a telepathic worm... Not stupid in the least...

#10: Trapster (Marvel)
A wacko with glue guns who used to go by "Paste Pot Pete". I don't think he's ever beaten anyone. Like, ever.

That concludes volume one of the list. Stay tuned for further installments!


               -Tony Snark


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