
Ant-Man: First Trailer

Marvel recently released the first full trailer for their upcoming film Ant-Man, set for release in theaters this July. The film stars Paul Rudd as former criminal Scott Lang, and focuses on his transformation into the costumed hero known as Ant-Man.

Scenes from the trailer show Scott learning to control the powers given to him by a super powered suit and helmet, given to him by a scientist named Hank Pym. Hank Pym is the original Ant-Man, at least in the comics. The trailer also gives us a look at what appears to be the villain of the movie, Yellowjacket. Yellowjacket's suit possesses many of the same features as Ant-Man's, but with the added features of what appear to be flight, and energy blasts. Yellowjacket's secret identity in the film is not yet known.

We also see a little bit more of Ant-Man's powers, including a shot of him running on the barrel of a pistol in his ant-sized for, then jumping up and kicking the wielder in the neck. We also see him interacting with some ants, as the helmet of the suit allows its wearer to communicate with insects. 

I'm incredibly excited for this movie, and I absolutely cannot wait to see it.

For those of you who have yet to see the trailer, here's the link: http://marvel.com/news/movies/24432/watch_the_new_trailer_for_marvels_ant-man

                                                                      -Tony Snark

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