
Marvel VS. DC: The Winter Soldier VS. Red Hood

The story has been told many times throughout the history of the comic book. The faithful sidekick meets his fate, but later returns as a mysterious foe to haunt the hero he once worked alongside. DC and Marvel have each told the story in their own ways. DC with the tragic tale of Jason Todd, the second to wear the uniform of Robin, brutally beaten to death by the evil Joker, only to return as the mysterious Red Hood, and Marvel with the story of Bucky Barnes, the sidekick of Captain America, presumed dead at the end of World War Two, but in actuality captured by the Soviet Union and forced through brainwashing to serve as their deadly assassin, the Winter Soldier.

Before I get to the actual fight, I'd like to give a little background on each character.

First off, The Winter Soldier.
Teenager James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes was the unofficial mascot of the United States Army training camp where Private Steve Rogers, secretly the masked super-soldier known as Captain America, was stationed. Although Private Rogers appeared to be the clumsiest soldier on the base, young Bucky discovered Rogers changing into the star-spangled uniform of Captain America one day, and pledged to keep his identity a secret, and joined the Captain in his adventures as his faithful sidekick, Bucky! Captain America and Bucky fought alongside each other until almost the end of World War Two, when a mission involving an experimental plane went wrong, and both heroes lost to the icy waters of the Pacific Ocean, presumed dead. Not too much later, Bucky's body was discovered by a Russian submarine, frozen in a block of ice, still alive in suspended animation, although missing his left arm. Bucky was taken back to a secret base deep within the Soviet Union, and was outfitted with a bionic replacement for his missing limb, as well as brainwashed, and was forced to serve the Soviets as their shadowy assassin, the Winter Soldier.

Now, Red Hood.
Jason Todd was an orphan living on the streets of Gotham City, making a living by stealing to survive. Batman caught the boy one night as he was trying to steal the tires off of the famed Batmobile. Needless to say, Jason failed. Batman was initially furious at the boy, but began to see something he liked in him, a spark. Batman took the boy under his wing, and after months of intense training, Jason became the new Robin. Jason was a good fighter, and a decent detective, but was angry, and has a tendency to disobey Batman and rush into situations without thinking. During one such stunt, Jason discovered his mother was still alive, and was working as a volunteer in Africa, and traveled there to attempt to meet her. Although his mother was indeed living in Africa, the evil Joker had kidnapped her, and trapped her in an abandoned warehouse, in an attempt to lure Robin, and in turn lure Batman. Jason discovered the Joker's evil schemes just moment too late, and was brutally beaten to death with a crowbar by the psychotic clown, then left to die in the warehouse, rigged with explosives. Batman arrived mere moments before the warehouse blew, and carried out the mangled body of the boy, which was later buried on the grounds of Wayne Manor. However, due to some dimensional tampering by some extraterrestrial beings, Todd was restored to life and broke out of his coffin, training for a few years before returning as the vengeful Red Hood. 

Now to get to the fight!
These two would most likely be fighting in an urban setting, perhaps the Winter Soldier has been sent on a mission to kill Red Hood, and has to travel to Gotham. The two also both use an extensive arsenal of guns, knives, and various explosives and gadgets. Anyway the two would probably chase each other around the city for a little bit before beginning an actual fight, most likely with Red Hood throwing mocking remarks in an attempt to throw his opponent off. With the Winter Soldier growing increasingly frustrated, he would decide to lose Red Hood amongst the rooftops, in order to get an unobstructed shot with his rifle. Red Hood has a sharp mind, so he would probably be aware of the Winter Soldier's strategy, and would play along just to mess with him. Eventually the Winter Soldier will have had enough of messing around, and will bring the fight to the ground. The Winter Soldier's bionic arm gives him an advantage in a hand to hand fight, but Red Hood knows how to fight dirty, and certainly isn't afraid to. However, even though Red Hood may be a scrappier fighter, the Winter Soldier has the upper hand, due to his superior training, and bionic arm, allowing him to win, but only after a long fight.

Winner: The Winter Soldier.

                                                           -Tony Snark 

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